Working in partnership with rural communities for development


Rural Libraries and Educational Resources Centers, generally referred to as Rural Reading Centers Africa (RRCA), is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization, founded in 2005 to encourage improvement of literacy levels in Kenya’s rural areas population; through the establishment of community owned libraries and information resource centers.

This concept was founded and conceptualized b now retired University Professor Phillip Thiuri (PhD. Economic Planning) and his wife, Bernadette Thiuri, a University Lecturer (MSc. Nutrition, PMH Epidemiology).

Vision Statement

RRCA envisions a sustainable reading and information access as well as a shared reading culture among rural communities.


RRCA works in partnership with rural communities, like-minded institutions and individuals to encourage a reading and information sharing culture among rural communities.

Our Core Values

Community Driven

RRCA works with communities through a “lead person” to establish reading and resource centers that best address the community needs. All community reading centers are community-owned and managed.


RRCA realizes that to attain its vision, concerted participation and partnership with like-minded organizations and individuals in a manner that harnesses values and enhances result-oriented collaboration is key.

Value Addition

RRCA work to provide relevant information to enhance the social, economic and cultural dynamics of a community.


RRCA believes that rural communities need interaction arenas devoid of political interference.

RRCA Founders Bernadette and Phillip Thiuri.

RRCA Founders Bernadette and Phillip Thiuri.

Our Strategic Objectives:

  • To facilitate the establishment of Community Resource Centers, providing a conducive space of study, socialize for enhanced vibrant knowledge query and reading culture

  • Mobilize resources and support for program implementation and sustainability

  • Facilitate rural communities to access knowledge and information with ease by establishing ownership of firm community reading centers